13th DECEMBER Giljagaur – The Villain of Foam

Unlike his brother Stekkjastaur, the slender, nimble Giljagaur takes every impassability on his travels with ease and makes swift progress.

This year, he reaches the lowlands particularly quickly, as he is allowed to sit on the back of the gelding Gormur.

For Gormur, which in English means “coil spring” and clearly indicates the great strength of this horse, it is a pleasure to bring Giljagaur to the people.

Like the wind and almost like a bird, he flies over torrents and dangerous gorges and sets his passenger down safely in the valley.

Arriving in the lowlands, Giljagaur first looks for a cowshed, because he would almost die for the foam of fresh milk. So, he hides in a dark corner and waits impatiently until all the milkers have left the barn.

Then, he hurries to the milk container, licks off the foam with relish and then drinks litres of the fresh milk. By the way, the gelding Gormur is also very fond of milk and of course gets some as a thank you for the transport. When Giljagaur was there, the milk tub is usually almost empty the next day.


If you want to make Giljagaur your friend, put a glass of foamed milk on the windowsill in the evening.
If he’s in a good mood, he might leave a gift behind.

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María Sigríður Gísladóttir

María has been drawing and painting since her earliest childhood. She studied art at Fjölbrautaskólinn í Breiðholti as well as Myndlistaskóli Reykjavíkur. Her whole life – professional and private – revolves around art.

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