New paths are created by walking – and there is always the chance that dreams will come true!

Do you remember the family that discovered their love for the Icelandic horse through their foster children and finally acquired a pregnant Icelandic mare? – About the plan to return the foal to the seller because they did not want to keep it under any circumstances? One can imagine that this plan could not work out, because the youngest member of the family was too cute and delighted not only the children.
But who would have suspected at that time that the little guy would give the horse project a new direction?
Gandalf developed magnificently. Therefore, the proud foster parents gradually began to focus on the unmistakable characteristics of Icelandic horses: They had already gotten to know their great character, but now they began to be more and more interested in the beauty of the animals and their fascinating gaits.
There is no question that they wanted to present the little one in public! The first breeding test was still a family experience: The whole family accompanied the little stallion on foot through the forest to his foal show.
Gandalf arrived there a little tired and therefore couldn’t present himself so well, but that didn’t matter. It was great fun and a great experience for everyone, and above all: Jutta and Hardy had caught fire! They both acquired extensive knowledge about the breed, breeding and keeping and created the conditions for their small, lovingly built up breeding program, which they called Islandpferde vom Wiedischenland.

No way was too far for them to choose a promising stallion for their foundation mare. So they traveled all the way to Denmark to have their mare mated by the elite stallion Viktor fra Diisa, who had thrilled them so much at the 2009 World Championships in Switzerland.
Exactly this stallion, who was later very successful in both sport and breeding, seemed to be the right one for their Gola. In 2011 the filly Gloría vom Wiedischenland out of Victor fra Diisa was born on the pastures of her home and was joyfully taken into the community by everyone around her.
Since then, foals have been born every year on the Wiedischenland, they are Jutta’s and Hardy’s pride and joy. A fine, small breeding from carefully selected stallions suitable for their mares with species-appropriate keeping on large pastures – here you can lead a dreamlike horse life!
Within a short time the population has increased to a manageable number of partly tested and ridden animals of different ages.
Breeding has become Jutta and Hardy’s great passion and in the meantime a second professional mainstay, but above all it is also a source of strength for the daily challenges.

And again and again they embark on new adventures: For some time now, they have been enthusiastic about roans and want to help ensure that this rare color does not die out.
As always, they did not hesitate with the practical implementation and had two of their mares bred by the roan stallion Manni vom Flókaberg. One of their biggest dreams would come true if they could welcome two healthy, beautiful roan foals to their stock this spring.
Gloría vom Wiedischenland, born 2011
Abstammung | ||
father: ff: fm: | Viktor fra Diisa Garri frá Reykjavík Svana frá Neðra-Ási | |
mother: mf: mm: | Gola vom Maischeiderland Ganti vom Maischeiderland Garún frá Lækjarbotnum |