My Bordercollie, who used to live a rather lonely life as a Sveitahundur (farm dog) with his first owner Albert Jónsson in Iceland, has always been a rascal. Especially one experience with him still makes us laugh today.

Erró, who was then still called Kjarkur, lived quite a free life in Hella on Iceland. On the neighbouring farm, there lived a female dog whom he liked very much and he visited her daily. Normally, the two of them would stroll around outside, but whenever she was in heat, the farmer’s wife would lock her in the laundry room and watch her like a lynx so that she couldn’t slip out at an unobserved moment.
In those times, Erró sat outside the door and waited in vain for his girlfriend.
One day, the farmer’s wife watched as the dog lurked outside her kitchen window once again. She grinned and said to him:
“You can wait a long time, my dear, you have already made many dog ladies in the neighbourhood happy, but you won’t get mine! She’s in the laundry room and the door is closed, and that’s the way it’s going to stay!”
The farmer’s wife went about her work again without paying any further attention to the dog.

In the afternoon it was time for the freshly washed laundry, which had to be hung up in the garden. She grabbed the basket, opened the door to the laundry room, took the laundry out of the machine and hung it outside.
She did not forget to lock up carefully behind her.
When she was finished, she took the basket again and brought it back to the laundry room. But what did she see when she happened to look through the kitchen window into the garden?
This cheeky border collie was actually barking and snarling loudly around her freshly washed clothes and pulling one piece after the other off the line! The farmer’s wife became furious.
“What a beast, but I’ll show you, you’ll see,” she thought.
Like a fury she shot out the door and chased Erró away, screaming loudly. And he actually immediately fled. Satisfied with the result, the farmer’s wife set about collecting the laundry from the floor. But suddenly, a thought went through her head:
“Where is that naughty mutt, anyway?” … By the time it dawned on her, it was already too late. She had taught the dog a lesson? – Like hell she did! On the contrary, he had tricked her!

When she had run headlessly into the garden, she had of course not thought of locking the door again. The clever dog had shamelessly taken advantage of the unexpected opportunity and had scampered unnoticed into the laundry room!
Or should he even have staged the scenario in order to outwit the farmer’s wife? He would certainly be capable of it, but that will probably remain his secret.
But the fact is that two months later twelve cheeky little puppies saw the light of day.

1 Kommentar
- Vera am 29. November 2018 um 20:10 (Bearbeiten) Albert Jónsson ist das der Albert der früher der Reiter von Náttfari frá Ytra-Dalsgerði war ? Antworten