Is it the right nose or “only” luck when a child of just twelve years decides against the advice of others for a horse with which it should later win a world championship title?

As is usually the case in life, both were certainly part of the game when Vera wanted this, and only this and no other horse – and was able to convince her parents to buy Frosti for her. But, essentially, that is not important.
Much more important is the fact that the chemistry was right between the two. There’s no other explanation for the fact that they went such a long way together, with all the ups and downs that go with a sports career. At the end of their success story, you can still see how strong this bond was.
Frosti was not an easy horse to handle. He was difficult to catch and already kicked the veterinarian. He could also panic if something scared him. At a tournament, he was terrified by the brass music and ran headlessly away.
The attempt to catch him again cost Vera’s partner at that time four teeth! At the latest from this time on Frosti had his reputation – and nobody wanted to catch him any more.
But Vera knew how to take him and he trusted his young owner. So they quickly became a team, both in handling and sports. He did not disappoint the first impression he had made at the horse market in Aschaffenburg, on the contrary:
His tölt was phenomenal, and in the common training he increased in expression and speed. The first tournament successes came quickly.
The two also took part in so-called oil races, a test that no longer exists today. Here, it was only about speed, no matter how, but you had to be fast. And Frosti was really fast!
1980 came the first great sports success:
At the age of sixteen, Vera becomes German youth champion in tölt.
Her Frosti who would later perform at his best in pace, had only been ridden in four gates up to that point, and no one had any idea of his potential at that time.


Born: On Iceland in summer 1972
Exported: To Germany on 22.03.1978
Died: In summer 2007
Father: Léttir frá Voðmúlastöðum
Mother: Muska frá Fáskrúðarbakka

The so-called Töltrace was a discipline in which the horses were ridden in two rounds on the oval track in Tölt exclusively for time. One had to be sixteen years old to be allowed to take part in these races which aren’t shown anymore in today’s tournaments. They were always controversial, and Walter Feldmann sen. brought the lack of the expression mark in a töltrace on point by a descriptive comparison:
“It’s like dancing the Viennese waltz on time”! –