Tell us your story!
Did you experience a special moment with your horse, or did you already write a story about it?
Share your story with us and become part of the HestaSaga community.
The latest stories
The Santa Clauses leave, the elves and fairies arrive
Nachdem die 13 Brüder in der Weihnachtszeit ausgiebig ihren Spass bei den Menschen gehabt haben, kommt für sie nach Weihnachten nun die Zeit, wieder in
24th DECEMBER Kertasníkir – Candle Scrounger
Allen unseren Lesern wünschen wir ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und ein gesundes neues Jahr mit vielen gemeinsamen Leseabenteuern auf HestaSaga! Endlich ist der Heilige Abend da
23 DECEMBER Ketkrókur – club thief
Der kugelrunde Ketkrókur ist der vorletzte der isländischen Weihnachtsmänner und ziemlich verpeilt. Er tritt die Reise ins Flachland immer als letzter an, da er erst
22nd DECEMBER Gáttaþefur – Door slot sniffer
Das erste, was einem bei Gáttaþefur ins Auge fällt, ist seine lange Nase, mit der er hervorragend riechen kann. Gáttaþefur verlässt die Berge als elfter
21st DECEMBER Gluggagæir – Window Gawker
Dem neugierigen Gluggagæir entgeht nichts und er weiß bestens über alle Familienmitglieder der Höfe Bescheid, die er Jahr für Jahr heimsucht. Nun, da die meisten
Arts and culture
Faroe Islands, the islands of surprises!
Faroe Islands an undiscovered natural paradise with landscapes of breathtaking beauty and the country where the little Faroe horses come from.
Working with problem horses
Hekla already told us a few interesting stories of her life with horses. She was always especially interested in horses that were difficult to handle and the associated question: How did this horse develop into a problem horse and more importantly: How can this be changed? One requirement is particularly
Background Knowledge
Some of our hestasaga stories include information concerning the different subject areas. You can find them here, in the category of background knowledge where they are listed in alphabetical order.
Maybe, you have your own interesting topic from the (Icelandic horse-) world that might also spark another person’s interest? It does not always have to be a complete story. Feel free to send us your input and it will be published in this category.
Read more
Did you experience something special with your horse? Something strange, exciting, moving or even sad? Did you write a fairytale or maybe an adventure story?
Is a story of yours ready to be read and just waiting for someone to pick it up and start reading? Share it with us!
Or does your story only exist in your memories and you struggle to find the right words to write it down? In this case you can just tell us your story and we will write it down for you.
Contact us now.